Advanced Course “Learning to Sell“When do employees have the chance of training a sales conversation without a contract being on the line? Provide your participants with the possibility to train effective negotiating and active selling by intensively exercising their sales skills and abilities.Table of contentsINTRODUCTIONFrom classic selling to modern sellingCLASSIC SELLINGPOTENTIAL OF A SALES CONVERSATIONMETHODS OF CONVERSATION CONTROLControlling a conversationLinguistic toolsEffective speakingFour aspects of a messageSchulz von Thun’s model of communicationFour ways of perceptionExpressing negatives in a positive fashionKiller phrasesSUCCESSFUL SALES CONCLUSIONReinforcing factors for the conclusion of a dealPRODUCT PRESENTATIONGoals of a product presentationImportant aspects of a successful product presentationRequirements of a successful demonstrationSTRUCTURE OF AN ACTIVE TM CONVERSATIONThe ideal structure of a telephone callInitiating the conversationImportant requirements of the conversation manualOpeningNeeds analysisOffer and benefits argumentationDealing with objectionsConclusion and confirmation of dates / appointmentsExercise sheet: Telephone scriptExercise sheet 4: ManualExercise sheet: TM – Conversation skillsExercise sheet: The phone callEXERCISES: SALES TRAININGExercise sheet: Performance maximizationExercise sheet: Positive thinkingExercise sheet: Language improvementExercise sheet 1: Setting goals / achieving goalsExercise sheet 2: Setting goals / achieving goalsExercise sheet: Contact phaseExercise sheet 1: Speaking effectivelyExercise sheet 2: Speaking effectivelyExercise sheet 3: Speaking effectivelyExercise sheet: Initiating a conversationExercise sheet: Body languageExercise sheet 1: Needs and motivesExercise sheet 2: Needs and motivesExercise sheet 1: Who asks, leadsExercise sheet 2: Who asks, leadsExercise sheet 1: Active ListeningExercise sheet 2: Active listeningExercise sheet 1: Needs developmentExercise sheet 2: Needs developmentExercise sheet 1: Argumentation techniqueExercise sheet: Needs argumentation in three stepsExercise sheet: Benefits (Argumentation technique)Exercise sheet: Collecting argumentsExercise sheet: Needs argumentation in four stepsExercise sheet: Conversation controlExercise sheet 1: Dealing with objectionsExercise sheet 2: Dealing with objectionsExercise sheet 3: Dealing with objectionsExercise sheet 4: Dealing with objectionsExercise sheet 1: Presentations / demonstrationExercise sheet 2: Presentations / demonstrationsExercise sheet: Reinforcing factors in a sales conversationExercise sheet 1: Buying signalsExercise sheet 2: Buying signalsExercise sheet 1: Price objectionsExercise sheet 2: Price objectionsExercise sheet: Rebate negotiationsExercise sheet 1: Conclusion techniquesExercise sheet 2: It’s a done dealDAY CLEARING